From the anime series “Laid-Back Camp” comes a Nendoroid of the Outdoor Activities Club president Chiaki Ogaki! She comes with three face plates including her grinning expression, her blank expression and her notable goading expression from the show. A shouting face plate for use with Nendoroid Nadeshiko Kagamihara is also included, allowing you to recreate the scene from episode 9 when Chiaki kidnaps Nadeshiko! In addition to her standard twintails head part, a head part to display her wearing her hat is also included.
For optional parts, she comes with her skillet, meat, a paper fan, a handwritten sign and her smartphone. Additionally, a social media text plate to recreate the iconic timelines from the series and a paper craft cardboard box are included. Enjoy camping with all of the Outdoor Activities Club members! Be sure to add her to your collection!
Approximately 100mm in height.
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