From the slice-of-life comedy anime ‘Non Non Biyori’ comes a rerelease of Nendoroid of Renge Miyauchi, also known as Renchon! She comes with three expressions including a rather blank looking standard expression, her excited face brimming with curiosity as well as the memorable ‘kappa’ face from the series!
She can also be posed in the famous ‘Nyanpasu’ pose, and also comes with various optional parts such as her school bag, recorder and a tanuki, allowing for all sorts of situations! A special lined plate is also included, which you can display behind her to create a more vigorous pose!
Painted ABS & ATBC-PVC non-scale articulated figure with stand included. Approximately 100mm in height.
Originally released November 2014 with a rerelease in March 2016 and October 2021.
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